
Allvue in Action: Streamline Data Collection with OCR Capabilities

By: Allvue Team

May 25, 2023

In this two-minute demo video, Solutions Engineer Barb Rockenbach demonstrates how Allvue’s OCR Data Mapper capabilities can automatically read financial statements and capture the metrics relevant to you, thereby streamlining your data collection process.

Learn how Allvue best-in-class portfolio monitoring software solution helps private equity and venture capital managers grow. And see more of our 2- and 3-minute demo videos here.


Hi, I’m Barb Rockenbach, and I wanted to take a few minutes to show you how Allvue can automate and streamline the data collection process. In this video, we’ll show you how our OCR, or optical character recognition, capabilities can automatically read financial statements and capture the metrics relevant to you. Let’s get started!

First, we’ll open up our portal that your portfolio companies use to submit financials according to your defined submissions cadence. Here, you can customize which fields you intend to collect and label them according to your preference.

The first time your portfolio company submits a statement, you can easily map that document according to your specified collection fields. Simply select the financial row in the submitted document and drag it to its corresponding metric in your system.

Once the matching process is completed, you can reprocess the document and the system will automatically extract the values from the document and populate your custom template with them.

Now that the document has been mapped, the next time your portfolio company submits the same template, the ingestion process is automated. The user submitting the doc can upload it without needing to wait for any processing. The GP is then alerted and able to easily validate the mapping. Once confirmed, Allvue will automatically extract and allocate the values according to the mapped fields.

Thanks for watching! To learn more about how Allvue can streamline your portfolio monitoring workflows and to see a full demo, visit AllvueSystems.com.

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