
Author Biography

Olena Nedaivoda

Olena Nedaivoda

Marketing Specialist

Olena Nedaivoda is a Marketing Specialist at Allvue Systems, a leading provider of investment management solutions. She embarked on her journey with AltaReturn, a predecessor to Allvue Systems, in 2019. With a robust background in corporate marketing, Olena brings extensive expertise and a strategic vision to her role, driving success in the ever-evolving alternative investment industry. She holds a Master’s degree in Marketing from Sumy State University, where she developed her skills in marketing theory and practice.

Articles by Olena

Women in the Workplace Series: Insights and Tips from Allvuers (Part 1 of 2)

Part 1: Welcome to the first part of a two-part series from the Women’s Network at Allvue. Join us as we celebrate, empower, and [...]

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