
Whitepaper: The Grass is Greener on the Other Side

September 17, 2020

How Co-Sourcing is shifting views on Fund Administration in the Alternative Investments industry

The past 20 years have seen fluctuations in the popularity of insourcing and outsourcing services among PE and VC fund managers. Why does it seem, for some, as though the grass is always greener on the other side?

On one hand, maintaining fund admin processes in-house provides fund managers with control. However it can also introduce back office complexities and inefficiencies that require expertise fund managers might not possess or desire to build. Outsourcing to a fund administrator alleviates these issues and supplies valuable back office best practices, but may bring its own challenges and dependencies for both the fund manager and fund administrator.

To insource or to outsource your back office? A big question for any fund manager. When neither choice fits the need, what’s a firm to do? Enter co-sourcing, an alternative with additional benefits that both fund managers and fund administrators can turn into real strategic advantages. To keep reading, download the whitepaper now.

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