
Author Biography

Jared Kreutzer

Jared Kreutzer

Product Manager, Investor Relations

Jared Kreutzer is the product manager for Investor Relations covering portals and CRM. He joined AltaReturn, a predecessor to Allvue, in 2012 and has worked with hundreds of clients globally in adopting and improving Allvue’s products. He holds an MPA in International Development from the London School of Economics and Political Science. He is based in the San Francisco bay area.

Articles by Jared

Elevating Your Investor Experience with Allvue Investor Portal

In the private equity space, investor portal technology has become table stakes for managing communications and investor reporting challenges between general partners and their investors. In this [...]

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Allvue’s Client Hub: Helping Fund Admins Deliver a Better Investor Experience

Over the last few years, LPs have started to demand more from their GPs – more investment data, more reports and faster turnaround. This [...]

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